Jetbrains has released Rider for Unreal Engine into Rider Early Access Program. To enable go to Jetbrains toolbox. Ensure Early Access is enabled by clicking settings and enabling Early Access Program.
In Unreal Engine 5 go to Edit > Editor Preferences > Source Code. Ensure that Rider is selected. Next go to Tools > Refresh Rider Project. Once the rebuild is complete we can go to Tools > Open Rider Project.
Once Rider has loaded the project we want to ensure that we're building our game project and not Unreal Engine 5. Verify we have the project selected. In this case it's named test2 and not UE5. Otherwise you'll be trying to compile & build the Unreal Engine 5 project itself.
Next ensure that we have closed out of our Unreal Editor. Now build our project to ensure that Rider can properly build our Unreal Engine project.
To enable rich features between Unreal Engine and Jetbrains Rider hit `Ctrl + Alt + S` on Windows or Linux and `Cmd + Alt + S` on Mac. Search for Unreal Engine. Only install RiderLink plugin in Game. Do NOT install for in Engine as EAP currently has a bug when installed with the UE5 engine which will be fixed soon.
Once the plugin is installed we can run & play our game.