Unreal Engine C++ Development Environment Setup Windows 7

Unreal Engine C++ Development Environment on Windows 7.

Setting up Unreal Engine 4 & Managing Engine Versions

Now that we have the Epic Games launcher installed and setup it's time to install the actual game engine. First go to the Unreal Engine tab and click "Install Engine" to grab the latest version. The default location is perfectly fine unless you need it installed elsewhere. Go ahead and pause the video while we do some movie magic and speed up the download and install process and check back when you're done. If you've never install the engine before select Fix Now to properly associate the Unreal Project files with the engine. Lastly, if you need multiple versions of the engine you can manage that all within the Epic launcher. Simply click Add Versions and select the specific version needed for your project. This is very handy if you need older versions for different projects as it is pretty uncommon for studios to continually upgrade the engine once they are in full production on a game unless there is a specific feature or bug fix. Now that we have everything setup for Unreal Engine in the next video we'll tackle setting up Visual Studio for C++ integrated development with Unreal Engine.